Filtering by: Retreats
Summer Yoga Retreat
to Aug 12

Summer Yoga Retreat

Join us for one of our Yoga retreats!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that combines the serenity of nature with the rejuvenating power of yoga?

Join us for one of our unforgettable Yoga Retreat getaways, where you'll find your inner peace, deepen your practice, and connect with like-minded souls in a tranquil paradise.

We have up to four amazing Yoga retreats yearly for you to enjoy!

We will arrive on the afternoon of Friday 3rd around 3pm and leave on Monday Afternoon!

We  have a whole 4 days and three nights this time! 2 nights is just not long enough at this incredible place

Location: The Yoga retreat is tucked away in the seclusion of the beautiful Welsh hills, this will be our third time returning to this incredible place, the peace, serenity and nature here is like nothing else.

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An evening of:  Yoga by candlelight and Rest
7:00 PM19:00

An evening of: Yoga by candlelight and Rest

Yoga by candlelight and Rest is an evening of pure soothing magic for the body, mind and soul. A chance to slow down, unwind and rebalance.

Restorative twilight yoga, stories and poetry, soothing music, candlelight meditation and a rejuvenating mini head massage, just to add to more relaxation to this evening.

Friday 3rd November 7-9pm £25

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The Wild Edges of Autumn: Sober Butterfly Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

The Wild Edges of Autumn: Sober Butterfly Workshop

Autumn is a time of crisp nature walks, where the earth is painted with orange and red leaves, a time for cosy candlelight evenings, warm teas and enchanting stories.

The celebration of Autumn will entail:

Restorative Twilight Yoga, stories, poetry and soothing music all around the changing of the seasons.
Candlelight guided yoga Nidra (guided relaxation), journaling and a whole lot of nature appreciation.

Saturday 16th September 1-4pm £35

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Nourishing Half Day Winter Retreat
10:00 AM10:00

Nourishing Half Day Winter Retreat

Join Sophie for a morning of connection, love and community.

A sacred journey through dance meditation, restful yin yoga, chanting and mantra and ending this wonderful morning with a warming tea, cake and connection.

We invite you to join us on this magical morning as you take time out of this busy month to prioritise yourself. The studio is warm and snuggly, the perfect place to spend a cold December morning.

Our aim of the morning is to leave you feeling refreshed, restored and nourished.

Sunday 12th December 10-12.30pm £30

Suitable for everyone.

(Also the perfect gift to a loved one)

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